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Blockchain is developing rapidly, new markets are opening up and the first practical applications are already being deployed. For example, Nasdaq has created "Linq", the first private blockchain-based trading platform, which has the potential to reduce settlement time and risk by up to 99%.

No other topic is currently as exciting for start-ups, investors, banks and stock exchanges as blockchain. Experts agree that blockchain has the potential permanently change the world we live in and promises great opportunities for those who seize them. Germany is leading the way and is paving the way for the digitalisation of securities with its law on the introduction of Electronic Securities (eWpG). In addition, the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCAR) has been passed at European level to regulate crypto assets.


Together with adesso, we have contributed to the eWpG market research and conducted a second market survey. Forty institutions from the German financial market took part in the survey and shared their opinions with us regarding market positioning, expected opportunities and challenges. Forecasts on the expected market growth of crypto securities were also collected.

Hier erhalten Sie die Marktumfrage! 


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Where is the market volume of crypto securities heading after one year of the eWpG? It could account for 34% of the total volume of gross new issuance by 2026. We reveal the background to this in our WEPEX eWpG scenario analysis.

Hier erhalten Sie die Analyse! 


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