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The financial industry is experiencing an increase in takeovers and mergers due to factors such as high cost-income ratios, low interest rates, competitive pressure, digitalization, and regulatory requirements.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) projects should be carried out thoroughness and professionalism:
Merging the "approriate" banks,
a well-considered business plan,
a fair company valuation,
due diligence,
a successful post-merger integration (PMI).
Mergers and acquisitions frequently fail to meet expectations for growth, new markets, increased revenue, improved cost-income ratios, stability and customer satisfaction. It is important to avoid presenting these outcomes as guaranteed successes.
Mergers and acquisitions often fail to achieve the desired synergies due to PMI issues. A master plan and professional project management are required to manage the transition of processes, data, IT systems, and change management.
Mergers & Acquisitions in the banking industry: PMI and its IT implementation
Read the article on this issue by Frank Thole,
as reported in the 'Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen'.
Does bank consolidation truly bring synergies and sustainable success?
Read the article on this issue by Frank Thole,
as reported in the 'Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen'
Consider cultural similarity and compatibility
Cultural similarity and compatibility are crucial factors in M&A transactions.
This topic is discussed by Frank Thole in the 'Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen'.
How can post-merger integration be successful?
The majority of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) do not deliver cost savings and economies of scale.
Frank Thole reports on successful transactions in the "Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen".
Take advantage of the exceptional assistance provided by WEPEX and adesso in post-merger integration (PMI) and the upgrading of your infrastructure.
The migration suite facilitates efficient data migration using the latest technology. The Transformer includes tools and components for the successful implementation of IT modernisation projects.